Divorce Settlements on the Road

Picture this. Your client’s sitting in the deposition room, handling one question after the next: beautifully (just as you trained him or her). You see a gesture, leading to a private conference. Suddenly, you are being asked to step outside to receive a settlement offer.

How do you advise your client? Do you know how the figure plays out in real life? Wouldn’t it be great if you could punch the number into a calculator, get an instant report about its impact on your client’s lifestyle, budget, income taxes, kids, and other critical factors, and advise your client in an informed way?

Now picture this. Your client’s getting grilled, and not handling it particularly well. The facts are simply not in his or her favor. You’ve seen enough. You’d like to put an end to this. You pause the proceedings, and pull your client aside for a talk. He or she wants to settle, but the question is, how do you know what to offer?


If you’re a busy divorce lawyer, you might be facing a situation like this every single day. Fear not: we have a solution. Family Law mobile apps – on your BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, or iPad device.

Easysoft makes Divorce Financials—and all of our other family law software— available to you outside of the office, and in the deposition room, the courtroom, even the supermarket checkout line (what else are you going to do?). If you have come to rely on our divorce law calculators, then we’d like to make them available to you—at no extra charge*.

Picture this. You have Easysoft Divorce Financials, or our mobile apps family law software. You punch in a figure, and see that it will make your client’s income taxes steeper than an alternate scenario. This is too easy: you proffer the alternate. It’s accepted, and you’ve done well by your client.

What could be easier?

iPhone. Install Now, or just search for “easysoft” in your Apple App Store.

iPAD. Install Now, or just search for “easysoft” in your Apple App Store.

Android. Install Now, or just search for “easysoft” in your Android App Store.

Blackberry. Install Now, or just search for “nj child support” in your BlackBerry App Store.

To learn more about our divorce software for attorneys, call Easysoft at 800 905 7638.

* Apps are free for current Easysoft subscribers.

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